Jordi Goberna

English version below.
Jordi Goberna es un DJ/productor/performer siendo residente habitual en los clubes más importantes de Barcelona, donde ha compartido cabina con grandes nombres de la escena electrónica como Steve Angelo, Martin Solveig o Roger Sánchez. Como freelance ha realizado multitud de sesiones DJ y Live Sets tanto a nivel nacional e internacional.
Como Productor musical ha trabajado en diferentes sellos discográficos como Trazable Recordings, Acktivism o Perklab Recordings y ha realizado diversos trabajos para otras áreas fuera del clubbing, como la banda sonora del videojuego Wipeout para la PSP de Sony y música para publicidad.
Desde el año 2008 es también profesor de la escuela Microfusa BCN donde imparte clases de producción musical, síntesis y software. En el ámbito docente ha hecho multitud de workshops en diferentes eventos incluyendo Sónar o Parallels festival.
Jordi Goberna is a DJ/producer/performer who frequently works in the most important clubs in Barcelona, where he has shared a booth with big names from the electronic scene such as Steve Angelo, Martin Solveig, and Roger Sánchez. As a freelance artist he has played many DJ sessions and live sets both nationally and internationally.
As a music producer, Jordi has worked for different record labels, including Trazable Recordings, Acktivism, and Perklab Recordings. His musical work in other areas includes creating the soundtrack for the video game Wipeout (for the Sony PSP) and music for advertising.
Since 2008 he has also been a professor at the Microfusa BCN school, where he teaches music production, synthesis, and software. He has taught many workshops at a variety of events, including Sónar and Parallels festival.