Katrin Schüler-Springorum

Katrin Schüler-Springorum, aka strangerarea, moved to Berlin after having studied music in Vienna and is working as a musician live and in studio productions. She is a composer/producer for numerous TV and radio-formats (ZDF, WDR, RBB, NDR, Deutschlandradio, Arte), as well as an arranger or MD for bands, ensembles, or theatre-productions. She has been working for several theatres, including Burgtheater, Vienna, Theater am Kürfürstendamm, and Schauspielbühnen Stuttgart , and as a guitar player with Jasmin Tabatabai, Barbara Zanetti and Tom Jones.
Currently, she is working as a live musician at Volksbühne Berlin, in "THE WEST " and "THE FUTURE", by Constanza Macras -Dorky Park (Guitars, Bass, Live Electronics with Bitwig Studio).
Her musical and genre-crossover diversity includes a capella works and orchestral arrangements as well as releases in rock, pop, hip hop, and electro. Her live project "On Behalf Of Rosy" started in January, 2019, and includes Zurich-based vocalist Silv Widmer, live electronics (Bitwig Studio), and guitar.