Tao Stein

Tao Stein is a Canadian music producer and passionate Bitwig Studio user living in Hong Kong.
Tao trained classically on the piano and guitar, and fell in love with electronic music 20 years ago after a graduate seminar in sound synthesis at the MIT Media Lab with the legendary Barry Vercoe, the inventor of CSound. He has been making music since. Prior to this, Tao started his career programming computer networking switches in Canada. He has since worked in technology building AI-based security systems at Facebook, designing novel operating systems at Microsoft Research, and developing image processing software for Caltech.
Tao has always enjoyed teaching, and recently taught media technology at China’s Central Academy of Fine Art (CAFA) and the Beijing Film Academy, China’s top institutions for art and film, respectively. As a graduate student at Harvard, Tao taught computer science to both graduate and undergraduate students, and received the Derek Bok award for teaching excellence. He received a PhD in Computer Science from Harvard and a Masters of Engineering from Cornell. Tao enjoys the collaborative aspect of music-making, and regularly works with people in various corners of the world. He teaches in English, French, and Mandarin Chinese, and is passionate about Bitwig Studio because he finds it to be the best tool for making moving and engaging music.