Ask.Video 101: Absolute Beginner's Guide


In this course, Bitwig Certified Trainer Thavius Beck guides you through the extensive possibilities of Bitwig Studio. Whether you're an absolute beginner just getting into music production, a seasoned pro thinking of switching to Bitwig Studio, or an intermediate user looking to solidify your knowledge of the software, this course is for you! With 25 tutorials at your fingertips, you'll not only gain a deep understanding of the software's functionality but you'll come away with confidence to dive deeper into your next Bitwig Studio production!

First, Thavius takes a deep look at the Dashboard where he explains how to set up your audio interface, MIDI controller, and other important settings. Then, Thavius shows you everything you need to know to navigate the interface, as well as the revamped browser introduced in Bitwig Studio 5.

From there, you learn to use the built-in virtual instruments and effects, how to work with Note Expressions and Operators, and how to manipulate your samples with the built-in Drum Machine and Sampler devices. Thavius also covers the new MSEGs, a unique feature that lets you draw your own LFOs and oscillators for very infinite sound design possibilities.
There's also a dedicated section about Poly Grid, the unique device in Bitwig Studio that allows you to create your own synthesizer instruments. Continuing with the course, you'll learn to record and edit audio, how to work with Hybrid Tracks, how to export your project, and more!

Completing this course, under the guidance of Bitwig Certified Trainer Thavius Beck, assures that you get the most out of Bitwig Studio, and gives you the knowledge you need to continue to building your musical compositions on a solid foundation.

The course consists of 25 videos. Here's an overview of the content:

  • Section 1: Navigation
    • The Dashboard
    • Panel Overview
    • Browser Overview
  • Section 2: Working with Instruments
    • Adding an Instrument
    • Note Clips and events
    • MSEGs: Scrawl Oscillator
    • Note Expressions and Operators
    • Modulators
    • Drum Machine and Sampler
  • Section 3: Note and Audio Effects
    • Note FX
    • Audio FX
    • Remote Controls
  • Section 4: PolyGrid
    • PolyGrid Intro
    • PolyGrid Modulation
  • Section 5: Working with Audio
    • Hybrid Tracks
    • Audio Clips and Events
    • Layered Editing
    • Slice to Drum Machine or Sampler
    • Fold To Takes
  • Section 6: Alt Clip Launch settings
    • Alt Clip Launch Settings
  • Section 7: Arranging, Mixing, Saving and Exporting
    • Record To Arranger
    • FX Tracks
    • Automation
    • Mixing Basics
    • Save and Export

You can now find this course in our webshop!

Ask.Video 101: Absolute Beginner's Guide

Lerne mit dem zertifizierten Trainer Thavius Beck in 25 Video-Tutorials die Grundlagen von Bitwig Studio kennen. [in engl. Sprache]

29,50 USD / 29,50 EUR

November 23, 2023

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