Bitwig at Superbooth 2021

Superbooth - Berlin’s music technology and gear trade show will return in September to the charmingly retro FEZ center outside Berlin — and so will we. We’ll be presenting the new version of Bitwig Studio and its features, like Comping and Operators, as well as our modular patching environment, The Grid, and how it connects with hardware systems. Get you ticket now and come jam with us at the Bitwig booth (Z180) in the tent village.
Live at Superbooth:
We’ll be hosting a Gesprächskonzert on Thursday at 14:30h. Read more about it here.
See you there!
Can't Attend Superbooth?
Here's something you can enjoy, even if you can't make it to Superbooth: Dave's previous lecture from Superbooth 2019, "Creative Patching Techniques." Watch the video tutorial below.
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