Bitwig's Going to Superbooth 2023

Bitwig is going all-out once again for Superbooth, the Berlin-based trade show that takes place from May 11-13, 2023 at the FEZ-Center.
This year the Bitwig booth (featuring designs by artist Eric Winkler) will be located at tent Z105, where you can meet the Bitwig team and try out the new features coming in version 5. Come by to draw an MSEG, test-drive our new live performance features, scope the elevated modulation system and peep the upgraded browsers.
Other Bitwig-related events will take place throughout the event, too.
Friday, May 12 @ 11:30 in room H305: CLAP & Audio Development Workshop — Hosted by Alexandre Bique from Bitwig
Friday, May 12 @ 16:10 in the Auditorium: Bitwig Gesprächskonzert — Performing live techno with Bitwig Studio, hosted by Krumelur
Saturday, May 13 @ 17:10 on the Seebühne: Wilted Woman live set using Bitwig Studio
At the CLAP workshop, audio software developers can learn how to implement and port their DAWs/plug-ins to the open-source and free plug-in standard invented by Bitwig developer Alexandre Bique, who will host the event. If you're a developer who wants to get involved with CLAP or an artist or coder who's interested in developing audio software, RSVP to the workshop here. Walk-ins are also welcome, but a ticket to Superbooth is required in order to attend.
The Gesprächskonzert is hosted by Bitwig’s Fredrik Astevall, who has produced and performed a unique style of techno for over two decades as Krumelur (aka cfl). In this lecture/concert, you'll get an exclusive insight into his methods for preparing, building, and performing live sets using Bitwig Studio. You can see our 2021 Gesprächskonzert about writing music with operators here.
Finally, Berlin-based experimental musician Wilted Woman will jam with Bitwig Studio on Superbooth's Seebühne stage on Saturday afternoon. Wilted Woman's work combines avant-high-seriousness with slapstick playfulness, an unusually rewarding mixture that’s reflected in her kitchen-sink approach to music production, which runs the gamut from self-coded algorithms to unruly drum machines, processed violin and DAW-hacking. We can't wait to see what she does with Bitwig Studio.
See you in the forest!
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