Bitwig Drum Machines
Bitwig Drum Machines is a vital toolkit for making the most of our drum device library. Whatever your style, you'll find a wide range of options here. It contains presets for individual stock drum instruments, note clips with pre-programmed beats, and full kits featuring Bitwig's stock electronic drums from the v0, v1, v8, and v9 families, as well as processed and layered samples. You can use those Drum Machine presets as-is, or as starting points for shaping your own custom kits that are just right for your projects.
If you own a Bitwig Studio or Producer license (5.3 or later) with an active Upgrade Plan, the Bitwig Drum Machines sound package is now available for free via Dashboard > Packages > Available >Bitwig Drum Machines or in the new browser under the Packages tab. Select the tag filter "5.3" to see only the new content.
Specs Soundpack:
923 Samples, 225 Presets, 40 Clips, 192.6 MB
oneshot, one-shots, Bitwig Packages