Introducing Three Flavors of Bitwig Studio

A DAW isn't always one size fits all. That's why we've created Bitwig Studio Essentials and Bitwig Studio Producer, two new editions alongside our flagship product. Now there are more ways to get the features you need at a price that works for you.
No more track limitations
Bitwig Studio has it all, while Essentials and Producer provide curated feature sets to match your needs. For example, Essentials has a solid starting lineup of 40 instruments, audio and note FX — including our semi-modular synth Polymer and Delay+. It also has a starter modulation system with 10 modulators and an essential library of sounds, loops and presets. Meanwhile, Producer includes 92 instruments, audio and note FX, as well as an expanded modulation system and content library.
Click here to see the full feature comparison chart.
Bitwig Studio is our top product
Bitwig Studio comes with 154 instruments, audio and note FX, plus our complete modulation system and full library of sounds and presets. It's the only flavor of Bitwig Studio with access to The Grid, our modular sound design environment for loading and building your own instruments and FX.
Share projects with anyone
Thanks to version 5's unique player mode, you'll be able to share projects regardless of which edition you own. If a project contains an instrument or FX that's not part of your edition, they will open in player mode, and you can continue working and tweak selected parameters.
16-Track will no longer be available for purchase
With the introduction of Essentials and Producer, 16-Track is no longer for sale. 16-Track will continue to work, and 16-Track Upgrade Plans remain active — but users won't be able to renew them when they expire.
All Bitwig Studio 16-Track users with an active Upgrade Plan (registered in the last 12 months) are eligible for a free upgrade to Bitwig Studio Producer. There are also special upgrade offers for those who own older versions of 16-Track. Log in to your user account to learn more.
Tags:On Bitwig Studio
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