Note Grid & Audio FX Spotlight: Tutorials on Bitwig Studio 4.2
Dozens of tutorial videos have hit video and streaming platforms in the few weeks since the announcement of Bitwig Studio 4.2. If you're looking for some inspiration, new methods, or ideas for how to use our new audio FX and Note Grid, we've got you covered with some top-notch demonstrations made by hard-working Bitwig Studio creators, streamers and YouTubers.
XNB, "A guide to Chorus+, the ultimate chorus ? - Bitwig 4.2"
While some creators made general overviews of 4.2's main features, XNB focused on a deep-dive into one new device: Chorus+. He explains what a chorus typically is and does, and then runs a guitar recording through our new device to show viewers exactly how great it sounds. It's the most complete breakdown of what Chorus+ is actually doing overall and in its four different character modes. We hope some spotlights on the other two new FX, Flanger+ and Phaser+, will soon follow.Corrado Cocco: Bitwig 4.2
Diehard Bitwig Studio users were especially excited about Note Grid, which is the star of Corrado Cocco's 4.2 video. In this tutorial the Bitwig Certified Trainer creates a complex patch that demonstrates some of our new Grid device's main capabilities, like modifying pitch and pan information. The end result is Cocco's specialty: a layered synth with multiple different voices.Leo Nordmann: Bitwig 4.2: How to turn an acoustic kick into a MIDI note with the new Note FX Grid
The title may be long but the video is quick. It's a ten-minute runthrough of a specific workflow for a particular purpose: using Note Grid to turn an element of an audio recording into a trigger that can be expressed as a note or MIDI information. In this case, Nordmann singles out the kick in an audio loop of a drum break and converts it into a trigger signal, which can in turn trigger another sound to replace or complement the loop's original content.Odo Sendaidokai: Parallel Effects and Channel-16
In addition to 4.2's blockbuster features, Note Grid and our three new audio FX, the latest release also contains new modules, modulators and other updates. German creator Odo Sendaidokai focused a recent tutorial on one of these relatively overlooked new arrivals to Bitwig Studio: the Channel-16 modulator. It allows you to map MIDI channels to different parameters so that the modulator signals fire when notes are received on their corresponding channels. As Sendaidokai shows in this brief demo, Channel-16 can replace a popular existing workflow using the FX Selector and send different notes to different audio FX chains.Polarity: in Bitwig 4.2 you can skip the piano roll for melodies
Is a roundup of Bitwig Studio tutorials really complete without mention of Polarity? The Bitwig savant has posted some 20 videos just since we announced the new version, about half of which are specifically about 4.2 devices, workflows and capabilities, from why we need the Channel-16 modulator to using Note Grid to extract grooves or write chord progressions based on the circle of fifths. Of all the 4.2-themed Polarity videos so far, the official Bitwig recommendation goes to his spotlight on using Note Grid as a melody-writing machine. It follows on from the Polarity video we included in our 4.1 roundup, "forget the piano roll!" This time Polarity presents a clever and concise explanation of one of Note Grid's most common applications, and it leads to a slightly against-the-grain workflow in a world where most are used to painting notes into the piano roll.Garron: Checking Out The New Bitwig FX - Chorus+, Phaser+, Flanger+
Although Garron's beta-phase video on Bitwig Studio 4.2 was more of a demo or review than a tutorial, you'll learn all about the new audio FX from watching it. He runs through each new audio FX device and their different modes, as well as their Grid module versions.Tags:Learn Bitwig Studio
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