Clip Functions

Various operations are available for clips, either from the Clip menu (when one or more clips are selected) or the context menu when right-clicking on a clip.

  • Consolidate merges all selected clips (on a track by track basis) into single, contiguous clips.

  • Double Content makes the selected clip twice its current length and duplicates its non-looping contents.

  • Make Legato adjusts the length of each event in the selected clip(s) so that it ends immediately before the next event begins. This creates a continuous series of events by both extending events beyond rests to the beginning of the next event and by shortening events which overlapped their successor.

  • Reverse flips the order and positions of a note clip's contents, causing them to play "backwards."

  • Content Scaling > Scale… stretches the selected clip by an Amount that you type in. An additional option for whether to Scale each (keep position) — to preserve the start time of each Arranger clip — is also available.

  • Content Scaling > Scale Each 50% and Content Scaling > Scale 50% both halve the length of each selected clip as well as each contained event's duration and position, effectively causing the clip to play back twice as fast.

    The following images demonstrate a selected clip both before and after either Scale 50% function is applied:

    The difference between the two functions comes when multiple clips are selected. In this case, Scale Each 50% preserves the start time of each selected clip, while Scale 50% uses the first clip's start time and moves each following clip 50% closer to the first clip.

  • Content Scaling > Scale Each 200% and Content Scaling > Scale 200% both double the length of each selected clip as well as each contained event's duration and position, effectively causing the clip to play back half as fast.

    The following images demonstrate a selected clip both before and after either Scale 200% function is applied:

    The difference between the two functions comes when multiple clips are selected. In this case, Scale Each 200% preserves the start time of each selected clip, while Scale 200% uses the first clip's start time and moves each following clip 200% further away from the first clip.

  • Quantize > Quantize… moves the start and/or end times of all events in the selected clip(s) in relation to a beat grid. A parameter pane appears after this function is selected.


    For additional information on the parameters available for the quantize function, see Note Event Functions.

  • Quantize > Quantize is identical to the following Quantize… function except that the most recently set parameters are used for the function.

  • Quantize > Quantize Audio… is a high-level variation on the Quantize… function for audio clips. The basic Quantize… function shifts the start/end times of discrete audio events toward the beat grid. Quantize Audio… goes inside of whole events, creating beat markers from certain onsets and then shifting those closer to the beat grid, effectively quantizing the audio.


    For additional information on this function, see Audio Event Functions.

  • Quantize > Quantize Audio is identical to the following Quantize Audio… function except that the most recently set parameters are used for the function.

  • Transpose > Transpose a Semitone Up shifts the pitch up by one half step (by adjusting the pitch of each note event or the pitch expression of each audio event).

  • Transpose > Transpose a Semitone Down shifts the pitch down by one half step (by adjusting the pitch of each note event or the pitch expression of each audio event).

  • Transpose > Transpose an Octave Up shifts the pitch up by twelve semitones (by adjusting the pitch of each note event or the pitch expression of each audio event).

  • Transpose > Transpose an Octave Down shifts the pitch down by twelve semitones (by adjusting the pitch of each note event or the pitch expression of each audio event).

  • Slice / Fold > Slice In Place… divides the selected clip into multiple clips, slicing regularly at a note interval (on Beat Grid). With audio clips, slicing can also be done at Onsets (the detected transients) or Beat Markers (defined stretch points that you may have changed). This can be an extremely efficient way to do audio edits.


    For additional information on this function, see Audio Event Functions.

  • Slice / Fold > Slice to Drum Machine… produces a new instrument track loaded with a Drum Machine device, which contains a series of audio clips (loaded in Sampler devices) representing the original clip's content. The track is loaded with a note clip that is configured to trigger the Drum Machine in a fashion that reproduces the original clip.


    For additional information on this function, see The Slice to Drum Machine Function.

  • Slice / Fold > Slice to Multisample… produces a new instrument track loaded with a Sampler device, whose multiple samples represent the original clip's content. The track is loaded with a note clip that is configured to trigger the Sampler in a fashion that reproduces the original clip.


    For additional information on this function, see The Slice to Multisample Function.

  • Slice / Fold > Fold to Takes… takes any audio clip and wraps its material into successive take lanes. Once selected, a dialog appears allowing you to set either the number of takes the clip should be folded into, or the Resulting take length for each take. As these parameters are connected, changing one will change the other too.


    The function can also be used to fold the contents of a single take lane (see Adding and Working with Takes ).

  • Tempo > Detect Event Tempo… runs the tempo- and beat-detection analysis on selected audio clips, with additional parameters.

    • Tempo Range sets the minimum and maximum tempos that the algorithm should consider.

    • Algorithm offers options to either Assume Fixed Tempo (which ignores the possibility of tempo changes) or Detect Tempo Changes (which will decide if the material includes tempo changes or not). The default value when dragging in audio material is found in the Dashboard under Settings > Behavior > Audio Import Settings (see Behavior Settings).

    • Beat Marker Density is available when using the Detect Tempo Changes algorithm. This value relatively adjust how many beats are added to match the detected beats and tempo changes of audio. 50 % is the value used when dragging in audio material, so moving toward 100 % potentially will insert additional beat markers. And moving closer to 0 % will insert fewer beat markers.

    • Prefer encoded data (when available) will use any embedded audio markers (such as beat markers in WAV files exported from Bitwig Studio or other DAWs, or common WAV chunk information). If this kind of data is found, it will be used instead of doing a new tempo analysis.

    • Prefer BPM from filenames (when available) will use tempo information found in the filename. If this kind of data is found (and no encoded data is present), it will be used instead of doing a new tempo analysis.

    • Event End offers options to either Preserve Sample Position (the default setting, which matches the content that is already being played and may shorten audio events) or Preserve Length (which keeps the original length of the regions, potentially advancing to parts of the audio that were not being heard before).

  • Tempo > Set Event Tempo… sets a fixed tempo for the contained audio events, which is one way to "unstretch" audio you have worked with.

    • The Tempo parameter is adjustable and defaults to the current project tempo.

    • Event End offers options to either Preserve Sample Position (the default setting, which matches the content that is already being played and may shorten audio events) or Preserve Length (which keeps the original length of the regions, potentially advancing to parts of the audio that were not being heard before).

  • Tempo > Apply Tempo Curve to Arranger writes tempo automation into the project to match beat markers from selected Arranger audio clips (or a time selection of them). The selected audio will now play back "neutrally" as the project tempo will change to match. And once the function is called, the automation lane for Tempo on the project's master track will be shown.


    If tempo automation exists outside the current selection, it will be preserved.

  • Tempo > Set Project Tempo changes the project tempo to match the primary tempo of the selected audio. This works even if the project has tempo automation, temporarily overriding tempo automation playback and allowing it to be restored anytime in the normal way (see Parameter Follow and Automation Control).

  • Normalize makes non-destructive level adjustments to each selected audio clip by inserting a gain expression point (see Gain Expressions) to bring it as close to 0 dB as possible.

  • Reset Fades removes any applied fades from the selected audio clips.

  • Auto-Fade applies a quick, relative fade in and fade out to all selected audio clips.

  • Auto-Crossfade applies a quick, relative pre-fade and fade out to all selected audio clips, creating crossfades between adjacent clips.

  • Bounce In Place (Pre-FX) replaces the selected clip with a new audio clip. When the selected clip was an audio clip, the sound source is the audio itself, which will be printed into a solid clip. For a note clip, the sound source is the first instrument device in the track's device chain.


    For additional information on this function, see The Bounce In Place Function and Hybrid Tracks.

  • Bounce prints the sound source of the selected clip into a new, solid audio clip (the functional equivalent of a "consolidated" clip). For an audio clip, the sound source is the audio itself, which will be printed into a solid clip. For a note clip, the sound source is the first instrument device in the track's device chain.


    For additional information on this function, see The Bounce Function.

  • Loop Selected Region both enables the Arranger Loop and sets its time range to match that of the currently selected Arranger clips.

  • Save Arranger clip to Library stores the selected clip in your library, allowing you to first set various tags for the clip.

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