18. Device Descriptions

This appendix provides a short description of each device that comes with Bitwig Studio. The devices are organized by category. Information on using devices can be found in chapter 7: Introduction to Devices, and chapter 15: Advanced Device Concepts provides an explanation of more advanced device concepts.

Parameter information is available in the window footer as you mouse over device parameters (see Parameter Information). And Interactive Help is built in to every device, modulator, and Grid module within Bitwig Studio.

To access Interactive Help for any device, modulator, or Grid module: select the object, and then either press F1, click Show Help in the Inspector Panel, or right-click on the object and select Show Item Help from the context menu. The Interactive Help window will then open with a live, editable copy of the device, and links to any relevant online videos.


For more information on Interactive Help, see Interactive Module Help.


Each analysis device merely visualizes the signals that reach it. It makes no effect on the audio chain it is a part of.


A dual-trace oscilloscope, providing a time-domain representation of incoming and/or external audio signals. Each signal is given its own gain control (for visual purposes only). It can be triggered either continuously, based on a threshold level of one of the two displayed signals, or based on note messages that reach the device.


A dual-trace spectroscope, providing a frequency-domain representation of incoming and/or external audio signals. Various visualization controls are available for the Frequency Scale and Range, the Minimum and Maximum Amplitude, and the painting Style of each trace. And the persistence of all signals can be adjusted by the Fall Rate.

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