Each drum device is a drum piece emulator that use incoming note messages to synthesize audio.
A monophonic electronic clap instrument made from noise, a low-pass filter, and repetitions.

The NOISE section comprises the instrument's sound generation parameters. The amplitude for the instrument is controlled by an AD envelope that has a short, fixed attack time and an exponential, adjustable Decay time.
Each incoming note message immediately triggers the amplitude envelope. And for the Duration time following the beginning of each note, the envelope is retriggered at every Repeat time interval.
For example, if Duration is set to 45 ms
and Repeat is set to 10 ms
, each note will trigger the amplitude envelope five times: zero milliseconds (the instant the note is received), 10 ms, 20 ms, 30 ms, and 40 ms.
Width sets the amount of stereo flutter added to each noise burst.
The COLOR section provides controls for the instrument's low-pass filter. Freq sets the cutoff frequency, and Q sets the amount of resonance.
The final section offers a control for the instrument's Vel Sens.(itivity) and a level control for its Output.
Nested Device Chains:
FX - A chain for processing the device's entire audio output.
An electronic cowbell instrument with optional pitch control.

The GENERATOR section contains parameters for controlling the instrument's two oscillators. The Pitch of the first oscillator is directly controllable, and the pitch of the second oscillator is set as an Offset of the first. Alternatively, the graphical keyboard toggle button allows you to have the first oscillator track incoming note messages (with the second oscillator's still being set as a relative Offset). To the right of the keyboard toggle is a crossfader that sets the balance between the two oscillators, and the Shape control lets you determine the oscillators' waveshape.
The low-pass FILTER section provides standard Freq(uency) cutoff and Reso.(nance) controls.
The RING modulation section allows you to set the Freq(uency) of a modulating sine wave and the dry/wet Mix of the ring modulation effect. If Mix is set to the far left, the ring modulator will not be heard.
The AEG section provides Attack and Decay times for the AD-style amplitude envelope generator.
The final section offers a control for the instrument's Vel Sens.(itivity) and a level control for its Output.
Nested Device Chains:
FX - A chain for processing the device's entire audio output.
An electronic hi-hat instrument made from a blend of noise with a comb filter, FM synthesis, and a one-band equalizer. An XY grid interface is also provided as an alternate means of controlling several parameters.

The section at the top left contains Attack and Decay times for the AD envelope, along with a contour control for the shape of the decay segment. This global envelope shapes the output of the entire instrument.
The red COMB section governs the comb filter that processes the noise generator's output. Parameters include cutoff Freq(uency), a bipolar Feedback control, and the wet/dry Mix. In the XY grid, dragging the red C ball adjusts the Freq control with horizontal movements and the Mix control vertically.
The blue FM HIT section controls the carrier of a classic FM operator pair, which creates the impact sound of the hi-hat. The Freq knob at left sets the carrier's frequency. This unit has its own AD envelope, which has a short, fixed attack time and an exponential, adjustable Decay setting. (Note that a longer decay setting may be interrupted if the global AD envelope has a shorter overall duration.) Finally, the Mix knob controls the balance between the noise and FM portions of the instrument. In the XY grid, dragging the blue H ball adjusts the Freq control with horizontal movements and the Mix control vertically.
The yellow HIT MOD section provides controls for the modulator of the FM operator pair. The Freq. knob adjust the modulator's frequency, and the Amount control is the index (or intensity) of modulation applied to the carrier. In the XY grid, dragging the yellow M ball adjusts the Freq. control with horizontal movements and the Amount control vertically.
The orange EQ section controls a simple high-pass filter that receives the blended noise and FM sounds. The cutoff frequency is set with the top numeric control (in hertz or kilohertz), and the control below with a resonance icon represents the filter's Q. In the XY grid, dragging the orange vertical bar from left to right controls the cutoff frequency.
The final section offers a control for the instrument's Vel Sens.(itivity) and a level control for its Output, along with a Width setting for the amount of stereo flutter added to each noise burst.
Nested Device Chains:
FX - A chain for processing the device's entire audio output.
An electronic kick drum instrument with optional pitch modulation.

The GEN section contains parameters for controlling and processing the instrument's slightly rectified sine oscillator. The frequency of this oscillator is set by the Tune knob, and its level is controlled by an AD envelope that has a short, fixed attack time and an exponential, adjustable Decay time. The Click option adds impact to the sound by doubling portions of it, and the Tone control sets the cutoff frequency of a gentle low-pass filter.
The P. MOD section concerns a separate AD envelope generator that controls pitch modulation applied to the oscillator. You can adjust the Amount of modulation in semitones, the Decay time, and the shape of that decay segment with the contour control.
The final section offers a control for the instrument's Vel Sens.(itivity) and a level control for its Output.
Nested Device Chains:
FX - A chain for processing the device's entire audio output.
An electronic snare drum instrument made from two tunable oscillators, a noise generator, and resonant high- and low-pass filters.

The OSC 1 section houses the primary sine oscillator, whose frequency and decay time can be set directly with the Tuning and Decay knobs, respectively.
The OSC 2 section contains a secondary sine oscillator whose settings are relative to oscillator 1. Accordingly, the frequency of oscillator 2 is set as an Offset from oscillator 1 in semitones, and oscillator 2's decay time is set with the Decay X parameter as a percentage of oscillator 1's decay time.
The NOISE section contains parameters related to the noise generator. This includes Attack and Decay times for the AD envelope that controls level, along with a contour control for the shape of the decay segment. And the Width knob sets the amount of stereo flutter added to each noise burst.
The MIX section is for controlling the balance between the three generator elements. Osc controls the balance between oscillator 1 and oscillator 2, and then Noise controls the balance between both oscillators and the noise generator.
Next comes the FILTER section, which has a high cut (or low-pass) filter for processing output from both the oscillators and the noise generator. Any noise generator signal is then passed to a low cut (or high-pass) filter. Individual cutoff frequency controls are available for both the High Cut and the Low Cut filter, and a single Q parameter controls resonance for both filters.
The final section offers a control for the instrument's Vel Sens.(itivity) and a level control for its Output.
Nested Device Chains:
FX - A chain for processing the device's entire audio output.
An electronic tom instrument with optional pitch modulation.

The GEN section contains parameters for controlling and processing the instrument's slightly rectified sine oscillator. The frequency of this oscillator is set by the Tune knob, and its level is controlled by an AD envelope that has a short, fixed attack time and an exponential, adjustable Decay time. The Click option adds impact to the sound by doubling portions of it, and the Tone control sets the cutoff frequency of a gentle low-pass filter.
The PEG section concerns a separate AD envelope generator that controls the oscillator's pitch. You can adjust the Decay time, the shape of that decay segment with the contour control, and the Amount of modulation in semitones.
The final section offers a control for the instrument's Vel Sens.(itivity) and a level control for its Output.
Nested Device Chains:
FX - A chain for processing the device's entire audio output.
- 0. Welcome to Bitwig Studio
- 1. Bitwig Studio Concepts
- 2. Anatomy of the Bitwig Studio Window
- 3. The Arrange View and Tracks
- 4. Arranger Clips and the Browser Panel
- 5. The Clip Launcher
- 6. The Mix View
- 7. Introduction to Devices
- 8. Automation
- 9. Working with Audio Events
- 10. Working with Note Events
- 11. Operators, for Animating Musical Sequences
- 12. Going Between Notes and Audio
- 13. Working with Projects and Exporting
- 14. MIDI Controllers
- 15. Advanced Device Concepts
- 16. Welcome to The Grid
- 17. Working on a Tablet Computer
- 18. Device Descriptions
- 19. Credits