Other Mixing Interfaces
While the functions offered by the Mix Panel within the Mix View are extensive, a subset of these options can be found both in the secondary Mixer Panel and within the Inspector Panel when tracks are selected.
The Secondary Mixer Panel
Unlike the Arranger Timeline Panel, the Mixer Panel can be loaded as a secondary panel in other views. We will briefly examine this version of the panel within the Arrange View.
To load the secondary Mixer Panel: click the Mixer Panel button in the window footer, or press either M or ALT+M .
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Not every view supports every panel. The available panels within a particular view will have their buttons shown in the window footer. For a review of these buttons and how to load the various panels, see Panel Icons. |
Again the bottom right of the panel includes the Mixer view toggles. But while all the toggles appear enabled, there are curiously few sections being displayed.
By looking closer at the view toggles, you will notice that they are all enabled but grayed out. Bitwig Studio is acknowledging that you have these sections enabled, but is also letting you know that there isn't enough vertical space to display them all. While not all panels are resizable, this one is.
To resize a panel: mouse over the panel's border that faces the middle of the Bitwig Studio window. When the cursor becomes a bidirectional arrow, click and drag the border.
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Now all enabled sections are visible, each working the same as they did in the central Mixer Panel.
The only difference in this secondary version of the panel is that the Clip Launcher Panel and the big meters section are unavailable.
Mixing in the Inspector Panel
Finally, the Inspector Panel will also display certain mixing parameters whenever a track is selected. Whether in the Arranger Timeline Panel or the Mixer Panel, clicking on the track header will focus the Inspector Panel on that track.
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Both the devices and track I/O sections work exactly as they did in the Mixer Panel.
The send section is also similar, making use of the additional space to offer a menu for each send's source setting (again, either Auto
which inherits the FX tracks preference, or an explicit Pre
- or Post
-fader setting).
The channel strip + big meters section is a replica of the original channel strip section along with some rearranged big meters on the right. All functionality from these sections remains the same.
Inspecting FX Tracks, and FX Track Sends
Everything just shown regarding the Inspector Panel holds true for FX tracks, but one additional parameter is worth noting: the button labeled Pre-fader (Cue).
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We have spoken of FX track's having their own send source preference, hence the Auto
option on track sends. FX tracks default to the post-fader model, which is more common for mixing.
To switch an FX track's preference to pre-fader: simply enable an FX track's Pre-fader (Cue) button. Whether this is for cueing, monitor mixing, or some other special effect, any send to this track using the Auto
source will follow and immediately start sending its signal pre-fader.
Finally, FX tracks (and FX layers within Drum Machine) also have sends. And since this means FX tracks can be routed to other FX tracks, the visualization is a little different on these tracks, and the logic could use a little explanation.
To avoid feedback mayhem, one simple rule is in place: FX tracks sending to their right are processed normally, and FX tracks sending to their left ('backwards') are delayed by one audio buffer. So let's walk thru the previous image as an example case.
The highlighted FX track (named Delay-2
) is the second of four FX tracks in that project. The bottom two sends, labeled Distortion
and Reverb
, are sending to the right, so they appear the same as all other tracks' sends 3 and 4. The send to FX 1 (Pasture
) is going to the left, however. So the little left facing triangle is reminding us of this relationship and the delay added to keep us safe. Finally, the send to FX 2 is indeed a feedback routing, hence the feedback icon. This routing also uses a one buffer delay, and like all other send labels, the icon is clickable to enable or disable this send.
- 0. Welcome to Bitwig Studio
- 1. Bitwig Studio Concepts
- 2. Anatomy of the Bitwig Studio Window
- 3. The Arrange View and Tracks
- 4. Arranger Clips and the Browser Panel
- 5. The Clip Launcher
- 6. The Mix View
- 7. Introduction to Devices
- 8. Automation
- 9. Working with Audio Events
- 10. Working with Note Events
- 11. Operators, for Animating Musical Sequences
- 12. Going Between Notes and Audio
- 13. Working with Projects and Exporting
- 14. MIDI Controllers
- 15. Advanced Device Concepts
- 16. Welcome to The Grid
- 17. Working on a Tablet Computer
- 18. Device Descriptions
- 19. Credits