Audio FX

Each audio FX (or audio effect) device manipulates incoming audio signals before passing them onward. Incoming note signals, etc. may be used as triggers but are passed thru without change.


A comb-filter diffusion effect where each stereo channel has two comb filters, each with two feedback controls.

Freq Shifter+

An analog-style frequency shifter device, with optional delay network and much more.


There is also a Grid module version of this device (see Freq Shift+), offering stereo signal-rate control, polyphony, and a special keytracking option.

  • A central Frequency Shift Amount control offers a range of ±100 %, as defined by the current Range and Unit settings found just beneath the knob

    • Various options and potential uses for Unit include:

      • Hz & kHz offer regular frequency units for shifting

      • Note values (like bar, Eighth note, Triplet quarter note, etc.) offer time-synced values for rhythmic effects

      • Hold disables the center Shift controls, giving you direct control over the shifting oscillator via the Phase control (also in the Inspector Panel)

  • The Enable Delay toggle — [D] — wraps the frequency shift in a delay line (whose Delay Time can be set in time, up to 1 second), good for classic analog effects

  • Feedback is applied directly within the frequency shift function:

    • In the FB Cuts section are Feedback Low-Cut Frequency and Feedback High-Cut Frequency settings, letting you tame or shape the feedback

    • An additional Feedback Direction control lets you pick whether feedback cascades upward in frequency (positive values) or downward (negative values)

    • Beneath the Feedback Direction control is an Anti-Reflection Filter toggle, which filters out negative frequencies (which can appear when shifting down)

  • The left edge of the devices offers two parameters:

    • Filter Quality sets the precision being used for the frequency shift, ranging from 6 poles ("Rough") to 24 poles ("Excellent")

    • The Additional All-pass toggle adds an extra all-pass network to the circuit, for extra phase-y goodness

  • The phase of the shifting oscillator can also be controlled by two parameters in the Inspector Panel:

    • The Phase of this oscillator is available in the Inspector Panel (and is also presented as the center knob when the Frequency Shift Unit is set to the special Hold mode)

    • A Phase Offset (R) for the right channel is available both in the Inspector Panel and on the right side of the device (labeled Width), offering instant stereo sound

Freq Shifter

A frequency shifter with an adjustable frequency range. This device can also distribute the upward and downward frequency shift across the stereo field.

Pitch Shifter

A pitch shifter (like a musical signal transposer) with a high-resolution frequency control, a Grain setting for adjusting how the processing is done, and a Mix control, allowing harmonization.


There is also a Grid module version of this device (see Pitch Shift), offering stereo signal-rate control, polyphony, and a special keytracking option.


A ring modulator with a definable frequency and a Mix control for blending the source material with the resultant sum and difference tones. The device also has Pre- and Post-processing device chains.


A ring modulator that utilizes the incoming audio signal and a sine wave whose tuning is based on that incoming signal. Pitch detection is sampled only above a set Threshold amplitude, can be limited with low-pass and high-pass filters, can be offset (Pitch) for shifting the sine tone's frequency, and can be slewed (Speed) to respond more quickly or ponderously. For processing, the amount of Ring modulation goes anywhere between a simple sine wave (at 0%) to more harmonically complex results.

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