Grid Modules

Each Grid module is a building block that can be loaded within any Grid device and interconnected with other modules.

As in Bitwig Studio, the modules are categorized below by the type of function they perform and can be browsed that way. For more information on using The Grid and working with Grid devices, see chapter 17: Welcome to The Grid. And for full information on the parameters of each module, see the module's help view within Bitwig Studio (see Interactive Module Help.).

I/O Category

Terminal modules for signals entering or exiting this Grid device

Gate In

Supplies note gate signals from the device

Phase In

Supplies the device's default phase signal

Pitch In

Supplies note pitch signals from the device

Velocity In

Supplies note velocity signals from the device.

Velocity Mode determines whether velocities are coming only from note Ons or note Offs, or if both note Ons & Offs velocities are offered together. Velocity Mode is visualized on the device face, and can be adjusted from the device's context menu (via right-click) or the Inspector Panel.


The Expressions (Note-driven) modulator also offers access to incoming note on and off velocities (see Expressions).

Audio In

Supplies audio signals from the device

Audio Out

Path to the device's audio output buss. Has an Output Clipping Mode option (Off, Hard, or Soft) and an Output Clipping Level setting (0 dB, +6 dB, +12 dB, or +24 dB) for how to handles overages.

Gain In

Supplies note gain expressions

Pan In

Supplies note pan expressions

Pressure In

Supplies note poly pressure signals from the device


The Expressions (Note-driven) modulator also offers access to incoming pressure expressions (see Expressions).

Timbre In

Supplies timbre expressions from the device


The Expressions (Note-driven) modulator also offers access to incoming timbre expressions (see Expressions).


Supplies select continuous control signals from any/all MIDI channels


The MIDI (Note-driven) modulator also offers access to incoming control change streams (see MIDI).

CC Out

Outputs continuous control signals on any MIDI channel


The MIDI CC (MIDI) device also offers the ability to send out control change streams (see MIDI CC).

Note In

Provides gate, expressions, and channel of every incoming note. Its eight out ports match the Note Out configuration (including the Enable All Expressions [] toggle for unfolding and showing all ports), for easy processor patching.

On the face of the module to the left of the Channel Out port and MIDI icon is a MIDI Channel(s) parameter for filtering. When set to 0 (shown as All), all received notes will be sent thru. When set between 1 and 16, the module will only respond to active notes from the selected channel.


The Expressions (Note-driven) modulator also offers access to incoming note-on velocities, pressure, timbre, note-off velocity, and other expressions (see Expressions).

Note Out

Creates output notes, with all expressions available via eight in ports.

  • Gate In port triggers a note to be created

  • Pitch In, Velocity In, and Channel In can either be set with fixed values on the module's face, or provided with signals


    The Pitch In port requires an input signal between note C-2 (-0.5) and G8 (+0.558).

    The Velocity In port requires an input signal at or above zero.

    Only when these conditions are met will a high-logic signal at the Gate In port create a new note on.

  • When Enable All Expressions ( toggle) is on, Timbre In, Pressure In, Gain In, and Pan In ports are available for signal control of all note expressions

  • When Enable All Expressions ( toggle) is off, connections to these additional expression ports are remembered but inactive

  • As with any module, multiple Note Out modules can be loaded, helpful for sequencer or "groovebox" style patches, or whenever you want to group notes onto different MIDI channels, etc. etc.

Audio Sidechain

Supplies audio signals from a selected project path


Supplies audio signals from a selected external path

HW Out

Path to a selected external audio output buss


Supplies control voltage (CV) signals from a selected external path


The HW CV In (Audio-driven) modulator also offers access to incoming control voltage signals (see HW CV In).

CV Out

Path to a selected external CV output buss


The HW CV Out (Hardware) device also offers the ability to send out control voltage signals (see HW CV Out).

CV Pitch In

A specialized input module, with DC and AC modes, as well as Octave Range, Root Key, and Smoothing parameters.

CV Pitch Out

Path to a selected external CV output pitch buss


The HW CV Instrument (Hardware) device also offers the ability to send out control voltage pitch signals and return audio, etc. (see HW CV Instrument).

Key On

Supplies note gate signals from a specified note and channel

Keys Held

Number of keys currently held

Transport Playing

Supplies the application's playback status


The Globals (Note-driven) modulator also offers access to the global transport status, via the Play modulation source (see Globals).

Voice Stack Info

Supplies current voice stack index (a polyphonic signal) and the voice stack size

Modulator Out

Makes incoming signals available as a modulator signal

Display Category

Visualization and note-taking modules


Large text widget


Smaller text widget


Dual trace oscilloscope, with thru ports and controls for the Y Maximum level, whether to paint Y Bipolar or not (for unipolar), and whether the Voice Shown should be only the Last voice played or a sum of All voices.


There is also a device version of this module (see Oscilloscope).


Spectrogram for up to four signals


There is also a device version of this module (see Spectrum).

VU Meter

Averaging meter


Two-dimensional control pad


There is also a modulator version of this Grid module (see XY).

Value Readout

Stereo numeric readout for various domains

Phase Category

Modules that output wrapped phase signals


Phase signal generator with typical oscillator controls

Step Access

Transport-relative phase signal generator, for reaching particular step ranges (good for data sequencers). The Range parameter should be set to match the length of data being accessed. Then the Length determines how many steps will be reached, and the Offset defines the first step accessed.

Uniquely, the modules uses bar 1, beat 1 as its starting/anchor point. This means the module will only wrap after its full step count has been reached, and it will return to the same position when triggered from any particular bar/beat.

Ø Bend

Imposes a variable curve onto a phase signal

Ø Pinch

Imposes an S-curve onto a phase signal

Ø Reset

Offsets the incoming phase signal to 0 each time a trigger is received

Ø Scaler

Scales an incoming phase signal to be proportionally faster or slower

Ø Reverse

Inverts a proper phase signal

Ø Wrap

Wraps any signal into the phase signal range

Pitch → Ø

Wraps pitch signal's octave as phase signal

Ø Counter

Translates successive trigger signals into discrete phase values

Ø Formant

Amplifies the incoming signal around +0.5

Ø Lag

Lag processor that stays within the phase range

Ø Mirror

Applies gain to the incoming phase signal and then reflects it

Ø Shift

Offsets the incoming phase signal by a set amount

Ø Sinemod

Modulates the incoming phase signal with a sine wave

Ø Skew

Sets the incoming level to remap to +0.5

Ø Sync

Amplifies the incoming phase signal before wrapping it

Ø Split

Equally distributes phase signal across up to 8 out ports

Data Category

Lookup modules that are read with incoming phase signals


Tri-state event sequencer, useful for accent situations or housing two exclusive event sequences.

Each available step can either be off (an empty rectangle), a normal note (a filled rectangle), or accented (a framed rectangle). Click on a step to toggle between off and normal on. ALT-click on a step to toggle its accent state. If you drag, the same type of step originally created will be painted. Or right-click in this area for Copy Steps, Paste Steps, and Clear Steps options.

On and off transitions for normal notes are send out the boolean Normal Out port. On and off transitions for accented notes are send out the boolean Accent Out port.


Event sequencer


Mono pitch sequencer


A freely drawable, segmented sequencer, with BWCURVE file support, making use of the Curve Editor (see The Curve Editor & Pop-out Editors)

  • With all familiar data sequencer module controls, and their common phase-driven approach

  • A stereo Phase In port for controlling playback, along with a Use Device Phase pre-cord

  • A Bipolar toggle (±) maintains the curve's shape but rescales it, so that the minimum value is -1 and the middle value is now 0 (zero)

  • Anti-aliasing toggle enables smoothed playback of the curve

  • Mute when stopped option will force 0 (zero) output when the global transport isn't running


Step sequencer


Generates N triggers evenly across each cycle


Probabilistic event sequencer

Ø Pulse

Pulse lookup module

Ø Saw

Saw lookup module

Ø Sine

Sine lookup module

Ø Triangle

Triangle lookup module

Ø Window

Cosine window module


Recordable lookup table

Oscillator Category

Periodic signal generators based on waveforms or samples


Geometric pulse oscillator


Geometric sawtooth oscillator


Sine wave oscillator


Geometric triangle oscillator


A DC-drifting, analog-inspired oscillator that blends pulse, saw, and triangle waves. Each of these three waves has its own Level control, or each waveform visual can be clicked to turn that wave all the way up (100 %) and to set the other two waves to zero. Pulse Width can be controlled directly by dragging the slider within the overview display.


Wavetable oscillator, with special unison modes & processing options

  • Embedded graphic shows the full table contents with the current, interpolated output on top

  • Clicking on the display loads a visual wavetable browser, showing previews of all files, side by side

  • Factory content includes over 200 wavetables (WT files) across various categories, including:

    • Acoustic - Based on real-world instruments & sounds

    • Analog - Using analog techniques and sources

    • Digital - Using digital techniques and sources

    • Fractal - Spectra that grow recursively

    • Harmonics - Basic wave morphs and harmonic series

    • LFO and Sequences - Control signals of various kinds, well suited for the Wavetable LFO modulator (see Wavetable LFO) and Grid module (see Wavetable LFO)

  • Any WT file (Surge format) can be read, as well as Serum- and WaveEdit-compatible WAV files, etc.

  • All in ports are fully stereo including Table Index, so the left and right channels can read different parts of the same wavetable

    • Defaults to interpolating the loaded wavetable for smooth transitions, but has an option to disable this (so that only tables in the loaded file are available)

  • Three unique unison modes:

    • Fat, for stacking detuned voices flatly

    • Focused, keeping in-tune voices more center and loud

    • Complex, producing polyrhythms between voices (and providing smoother retriggering)

  • Spread Unison Phases option, which gives a different phase offset for each unison voice, resulting in a smoother unison sound with less beating

  • Harmonic Phases option, with different modes for affecting the loaded wavetable:

    • Aligned - All harmonics use the same phase (for a "focused" sound)

    • Diffuse - All phases are randomized (for a "blurred" sound)

    • Original - Original wavetable file's values are preserved

  • Remove Fundamental option, to suppress the fundamental from each table (which can be a nice bass trick)

  • Remove DC Offset option, to offset the signal output so that it centers around zero. This can transform wavetables made for modulation (such as the LFO and Sequences category) into interesting audio sources.

  • When loaded in Polymer, these various processing options are available within a Pop-out Editor

  • Context-specific anti-aliasing is applied on playback


Sub oscillator, with six Waveform options and an Octave offset


A Techniques-driven oscillator, offering exponential FM, hard sync, PWM, and ring mod from dual oscillator feedback

  • Anti-aliasing and internal feedback allow for some very crisp, fresh, and/or modular analog sounds

  • Internal Oscillator A & B are identical, each providing seven waveshapes with Pulse Width controls, as well as fixed Saw and Sine options

    • Like the Union oscillator, the oscillators exhibit some smooth analog drift when Pulse Width, for example, is moved

  • Oscillator B can pulse-width modulate (PWM) Oscillator A

  • Oscillator A can do exponential frequency modulation (xFM) on Oscillator B

  • Oscillator A can also hard SYNC Oscillator B:

    • SYNC is a useful way to use exponential FM without breaking the pitch of Oscillator B

    • Oscillator B also has its own Pitch Offset control, for setting (or modulating) more interesting hard sync waveshapes

  • A trio of mix controls set the output level for oscillator A, oscillator B, and a ring-modulated mix (RM) of the two

  • The Grid module version has a special Independent Mono Mode toggle in the Inspector Panel

    • This flattens the module to a mono output

    • This also allows individual oscillator targeting via the in ports, routing left channel inputs only to Oscillator A and right channel inputs to Oscillator B


Phase distortion oscillator


This is a standalone oscillator unit from the expansive Phase-4 synthesizer (see Phase-4).


A freely drawable, segmented oscillator, with BWCURVE file support, making use of the Curve Editor (see The Curve Editor & Pop-out Editors)

  • With anti-aliasing on the oscillator, to help make (almost) any shape work

  • With all familiar oscillator module controls

  • All the standard module pitch controls:

    • Key Tracking pre-cord, automatically connecting note pitches to the pitch buss

    • Numerator and Denominator controls, for controlling pitch via ratio

    • A Pitch Offset, for adjustment in semitones

    • A Detune control, for adjustment in Hertz, along with the Stereo Detune toggle for an inverse detuning of the right channel

  • A Retrigger on Notes pre-cord, for reseting the oscillator's phase at note on

  • The Polymer module version of Scrawl also has:

    • Phase Modulation Amount attenuator (range 0 % to 800 %) to allow modulation from the Sub

    • ↑SYNC↑ toggle to enable hard sync from the Sub

  • The Grid module version of Scrawl also has standard oscillator module options:

    • A stereo Retrigger In port

    • A stereo Phase In port, with attenuator (range 0 % to 800 %)

    • A stereo Pitch In port and input attenuator


Unison oscillator


Module version of the Sampler device (see Sampler).

Random Category

Aperiodic and randomized signal generators


White/pink noise generator


Free/beat-synced random oscillator


There is also a modulator version of this Grid module (see Random).


Weighted random logic signal generator


Uniform random value generator

LFO Category

Periodic low frequency oscillators


Free/beat-synced geometric oscillator


A freely drawable, segmented LFO, with BWCURVE file support, making use of the Curve Editor (see The Curve Editor & Pop-out Editors)

  • With all familiar LFO modulator/module controls

  • A set Rate (from 0.2 to 50) with regard to the set Timebase (either Hertz, Kilohertz, Bars or other beat-time units, or Hold)

    • Both the Rate and Timebase can be modulated for each note, for example by Velocity (from the Expressions modulator), or any other source

    • This RateTimebase pair defines the speed of the oscillator, which defaults to a setting of 1 Hz

  • Phase parameter allows for full control of the envelope's position, small variations, or anything in between

  • Option to Enabling Smoothing, with Smoothing Time set in milliseconds/seconds

    • Both settings can be automated and modulated, for controlling the sharpness vs. smoothness of each voice, for example by Poly Pressure (from the Expressions modulator), or any other source

  • A Bipolar toggle (±) maintains the curve's shape but rescales it, so that the minimum value is -1 and the middle value is now 0 (zero)

  • A stereo Retrigger In port, as well as a pre-cord to Retrigger on Notes

  • A stereo Phase In port and input attenuator

  • A stereo Rate In port and input attenuator

  • A Phase Offset (R) control, for adjusting the right channel's phase in relation to the general Phase value


There is also a modulator version of this module (see Curves).

Wavetable LFO

A morphable LFO, with Bitwig WT file support


There is also a modulator version of this module (see Wavetable LFO).


Phase-signal generator set in Hertz


Synced phase-signal generator

Envelope Category

Modules that produce or extract an envelope, often with a normalled amplifier


Four-stage gated envelope generator with amplifier. Three Model options are available, shown by a clickable letter icon in the top left of the module (A, R, or D):

  • Analog - Emulating Moog-style fixed curves and nonlinearities

  • Relative - With adjustable rate-differential curves

  • Digital - Clean math with adjustable curves, for precise time segments

ADSR has the common Gate In port (for controlling the envelope), the Envelope Out port (for the created envelope signal), and the Signal In and Out ports (for attenuating any incoming signal via the envelope).

Additionally, ADSR also has a special Bias Out port. This port outputs an offset version of the envelope signal that centers around zero in the sustain segment. So if the Sustain level is set to 35.0 %, the Bias Out signal will go from -0.35 to +0.65 in the attack segment, then coming down to 0 (zero) in the decay segment. After holding at zero for the sustain segment, the release will go from zero back down to -0.35. This could be used for a pitch effect that stabilizes in the sustain segment, or anything else you want to try.


Two-stage triggered envelope generator with amplifier, looping mode, and three Model options (see ADSR)


Three-stage gated envelope generator with amplifier and three Model options (see ADSR)


Plucked string-style envelope generator with amplifier


A freely drawable, segmented envelope generator, with BWCURVE file support, making use of the Curve Editor (see The Curve Editor & Pop-out Editors)

  • A freely drawable, segmented envelope generator

  • With all familiar envelope module controls

  • Four Play Mode options are available:

    • One-shot (⇀) - Plays thru the entire shape (while the voice is alive) at note on

    • Hold (䷿) - Uses any one of the curve's points as the hold/sustain level, which is also the release start

    • Looping (⥤) - Uses any two of the curve's points, and loops forwards between them on sustain; the loop end point is also the release start

    • Ping Pong (⇌) - Uses any two of the curve's points, and loops forwards and backwards between them on sustain; the loop end point is also the release start

    • The hold point or loop region & start/end points are shown in the inverse color of the interface

    • You can either drag one of these points to another point, or right-click on any point and choose the appropriate option — either Set Hold Point (when in Hold mode), or Set Loop Start / Set Loop End (when in Looping or Ping Pong modes)

  • A set Rate (from 0.2 to 50) with regard to the set Timebase (either Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds, Bars or other beat-time units, or Hold)

    • Both the Rate and Timebase can be modulated for each note, for example by Velocity (from the Expressions modulator), or any other source

    • This RateTimebase pair defines the primary interval of the whole envelope, which defaults to a setting of 1 bar, and with a shape that ends after one iteration

    • The Curve Editor is scrollable and shows a time ruler in the primary interval (1, 2… n), with the set number of grid units displaying within each primary interval

    • Clicking and dragging in the ruler area allows for zooming and scrolling, just as with the Arranger

    • Points can be added or dragged to extend the length of the envelope, so taking the default settings and adding a point at the 4 line would extend the shape to be 4 bars long

  • Option to Enabling Smoothing, with Smoothing Time set in milliseconds/seconds

    • Both settings can be automated and modulated, for controlling the sharpness vs. smoothness of each voice, for example by Poly Pressure (from the Expressions modulator), or any other source

    • On the Polymer module version of Segments, both parameters are available in a context menu when right-clicking on the module's background

  • A Bipolar toggle (±) maintains the curve's shape but rescales it, so that the minimum value is -1 and the middle value is now 0 (zero)

  • A stereo Gate In port, as well as a pre-cord to Gate on Notes

  • A stereo in and out port for an internal amplifier, under the control of the envelope signal

  • An Affect voice lifetime toggle to allow the module to keep voices active


There is also a modulator version of this module (see Segments).


Envelope extractor with segment times

Slope ↗

Slope shaper for rising signals

Slope ↘

Slope shaper for falling signals


Symmetric envelope extractor

Filter Category

Frequency-dependent amplifiers

Low-pass LD

Resonant low-pass ladder filter

Low-pass MG

A Moog-inspired low-pass filter, with mix buss saturation via the Drive control


Resonant Sallen-Key filter, with 16 different models of either low-pass, high-pass, or band-pass configurations, with various slopes


Highly resonant multimode filter


Friend of Ladder device and inspired by Mr Oberheim, with 15 filter configurations


There is also a related device (see Ladder). And the newer XP module can also be loaded directly in the Filter+ (see Filter+) and Sweep (see Sweep) audio FX devices.


Comb filter with Feedback control and Dampening Frequency (which is relative to the module's Cutoff Frequency)


There is also a related device (see Comb). But the newer Comb module can also be loaded directly in the Filter+ (see Filter+) and Sweep (see Sweep) audio FX devices.


An Inspired filter that produces vowel sounds

  • Can be used several ways, including:

    • Setting (or hard modulating/automating) a single vowel

    • Setting and morphing anywhere between two and five vowels

    • Any combination, all with different configurations and vowel models

  • Standard filter controls include:

    • Drive to affect the incoming signal level

    • A Q Limit Inspector Panel (or Resonance Limit via right-click context menu) control, for adjusting when the filter model saturates

  • Five Vowel Position choosers are available, located around a central, bipolar Vowel Blend knob:

    • Vowel Blend at -100 % uses only the nearby Vowel Position 1

    • Vowel Blend at 0 % uses only the nearby Vowel Position 3

    • Vowel Blend at +100 % uses only the nearby Vowel Position 5

    • Vowel Blend corresponds to Vowel Position 2 at -50 % and Vowel Position 4 at +50 %; if set to vowel sounds, only those values will be heard; if set to None (the default), the surrounding vowels will be blended perfectly there

    • Each position offers 27 different vowel sounds to choose from:

      • i - As in “see” or “eat”

      • y - With a rounded w-, like “we”

      • ɪ - As in “sit” or “hit”

      • ʏ - A medium oo, like “ooze”

      • ɨ - An exaggerated oo, like “eww” (gross)

      • ʉ - A slow oo, like "ooh!" (surprise)

      • ɯ - As in “hook” or “book”

      • u - As in “pool” or “cool”

      • e - As in “say” or “rain”

      • ø - With a closed -l, like “ool”

      • ɘ - Partly closed, as in “eh”

      • ɵ - As in “foot” or “would”

      • ɣ - Partly closed, as in “uh”

      • o - First sound in “coat” or “bold”

      • ə - As in “run” or “ton”

      • ɛ - As in “get” or “rent”

      • œ - With a round -l, like “ole”

      • ɜ - Partly closed, as in “ah”

      • ɞ - Partly closed, as in “aw”

      • ʌ - As in “fun” or “come”

      • ɔ - As in “more” or “floor”

      • æ - As in “cat” or “hat”

      • ɐ - With a subtle -r, like “are”

      • a - First sound in “hi” or “fight”

      • Œ - With an open -l, like “all”

      • ɑ - As in “far” or “star”

      • ɒ - As in “want” or “job”

    • Each Vowel Position can be set in two ways:

      • Clicking on any position opens a pop-up menu of all available vowels sounds and description texts

      • Clicking and dragging on any position starts moving thru the vowels sounds, for a quick workflow with audible results (if audio is passing)

    • In The Grid, a stereo in port (Vowel In) is available for adding to the Vowel Blend value

  • Profile selects which set of vowel data to use, with choices including:

    • Women 1 - an older data set, with average values from several women

    • Women 2 - a modern data set, with average values from several women

    • Female - values from one individual female

    • Men 1 - an older data set, with average values from several men

    • Men 2 - a modern data set, with average values from several men

    • Male - values from one individual male

    • Kids - average values from several children

  • The Topology chooser (on the right edge of the module) sets the structure of the filter, from three choices:

    • Cascade - Serial low-pass filters; a bit better for traditional text-to-speech sounds

    • LP/BP - Low-pass and band-pass filters, processed in parallel; a synth-ier, Autobahn-friendly vibe

    • LP/BP/HP - Low-pass, band-pass, and high-pass filters in parallel; adds a slight bit more highs

  • Several parameters influence the tuning of the internal filters in use:

    • Cutoff Pitch Offset moves the internal filters by semitones

    • The Cutoff In port and its associated Cutoff Modulation Amount attenuator allows stereo manipulation of the Cutoff Pitch Offset

      • Note: While this is like moving the cutoff of a normal filter up and down, the result is different and you might want to start by disabling pitch modulation

    • The Cutoff Frequency Offset (in the Inspector Panel or via right-click context menu) allows linear frequency manipulation, which can be interesting for formants

    • Resonance adjusts the relative sharpness of the internal filters


A modern Character filter for spreading harmonic nodes around

  • Has a bit of a moving formant sensibility

  • Takes place inside a stereo, resonant low-pass filter, with standard options:

    • Drive to affect the incoming signal level

    • Main Cutoff Frequency control

    • Stereo input for cutoff modulation, with Cutoff Modulation Amount set in semitones

    • Key Tracking Amount, for using incoming note pitches to affect the cutoff buss

  • For this algorithm, additional controls include:

    • Feedback Gain, which feeds or chokes the nested filter

    • Feedback Cutoff Frequency, for tuning the nested filter

    • A bipolar Color control, which shifts the placement and variation of formant peaks

    • An Alternate Color toggle, for a reorienting and different tuning of the circuit


A modern Character filter that can scream or whisper

  • Creates resonant peaks on top of the standard filter

  • Takes place inside a stereo, resonant filter, with standard options:

    • Drive to affect the incoming signal level

    • A Filter Type setting, to switch between an outer Low-pass filter or a Band-pass model

    • Cutoff/Center Frequency control

    • Stereo input for cutoff modulation, with Cutoff Modulation Amount set in semitones

    • Key Tracking Amount, for using incoming note pitches to affect the cutoff buss

    • A Feedback Limit Inspector Panel (and right-click context menu) control, for adjusting when the filter model saturates

  • For this algorithm, additional controls include:

    • Resonance, which enunciates or chokes the nested filter

    • A Brightness Mode setting, with various options for how resonance peaks move:

      • Shift - Gently moves past the main cutoff, usually emphasizing a central peak

      • Double - A tuned mixture of the Shift and Gravity modes

      • Gravity - Pulls and pushes toward the main cutoff with a bit of magnetism

    • The bipolar Brightness control applies the set Brightness Mode, bending the new resonant nodes thru various harmonic — and inharmonic — positions


A modern Character filter with hyper-resonance

  • Three elemental modes provide different levels of fun/wreckage that often anchors to harmonics of the incoming signal

  • Takes place inside a stereo, resonant filter, with standard options:

    • Drive to affect the incoming signal level

    • Main Cutoff Frequency control

    • Stereo input for cutoff modulation, with Cutoff Modulation Amount set in semitones

    • Key Tracking Amount, for using incoming note pitches to affect the cutoff buss

  • For this algorithm, additional controls include:

    • Bipolar Feedback Gain, which feeds or chokes the nested filter

    • Feedback Cutoff Frequency, for tuning the nested filter

    • A Nature setting, with various models for the filter:

      • Earth - Gently moves past the main cutoff, usually emphasizing a central peak

      • Wind - Focused feedback, ready to blow

      • Fire - Broad feedback, with some motion

    • Two additional toggles, Tweak Feedback and Tweak Feedforward, modify those points in the filter circuit, either dampening or expanding resonance

    • A Low Quality toggle (in the Inspector Panel or via right-click context menu), for adjusting the filter's tuning and reducing the CPU load


All-pass filter with adjustable slope


High-pass filter with adjustable slope


Low-pass filter with adjustable slope


A Hilbert transform, providing any signal's real & imaginary portions, as well as its magnitude & phase. With variable Filter Quality.

Shaper Category

Various linear and nonlinear waveshapers


Nonlinear shaper that can target harmonics


Gentle distortion, with optional Anti-aliasing mode

Hard Clip

Simple clipper, with optional Anti-aliasing mode


Reduces signal resolution, with optional Anti-aliasing mode


Reflects each cycle back on itself, with optional Anti-aliasing mode


A Parametric shaper modeling the classic circuit in a modern way

  • Bias parameter for offsetting the signal to be asymmetric

  • Drive parameter for pushing the signal to bend

  • Low-pass Cutoff Frequency control for rounding it off and restoring some order

  • One Drive parameter for going thru the module's unique path, with optional high-order Anti-aliasing (AA)


Scales the positive and negative signal excursions separately, with optional Anti-aliasing mode


Waveshaper with loud/quiet settings + bipolar skews. Module version of the Saturator device (see Saturator).


A freely drawable, segmented waveshaper, with BWCURVE file support, making use of the Curve Editor (see The Curve Editor & Pop-out Editors)

  • A freely drawable, segmented waveshaper

  • With familiar shaper module controls and form

  • Anti-aliasing (AA) toggle enables smoothed response of the shaper

  • Modulatable Drive control that goes in both directions (±24 dB), for pushing the incoming signal to interesting parts of the curve

  • A Bipolar toggle (±) maintains the curve's shape but rescales it, so that the minimum value is -1 and the middle value is now 0 (zero)

  • The unipolar mode (when Bipolar is off) has two options:

    • Clip - To truncate signals below zero at the value set there

    • Reflect - To mirror signal below zero negatively, good for processing a bipolar signal symmetrically


A Character soft clipper with a detailed curve, using one Drive parameter for going thru the module's unique path, with optional high-order Anti-aliasing (AA)


A Character S-shaped clipper that starts soft but can drive hard, using one Drive parameter for going thru the module's unique path, with optional high-order Anti-aliasing (AA)


A Character soft wave folder that makes the quietest parts loud, using one Drive parameter for going thru the module's unique path, with optional high-order Anti-aliasing (AA)


A Character wave folder that puts different parts of the signal into loud focus, using one Drive parameter for going thru the module's unique path, with optional high-order Anti-aliasing (AA)


A Character non-linear wave folder for subtle cancellation or big-time artifacts, using one Drive parameter for going thru the module's unique path, with optional high-order Anti-aliasing (AA)


Remaps defined input and output levels

Delay/FX Category

Delay functions and other time-based audio FX


Simple delay

Long Delay

Delay set in time or beat units; also allows feedback connections

Mod Delay

Modulator delay with internal feedback loop


Chorus, with four different Character modes. Module version of the Chorus+ device (see Chorus+).


Flanger, with four different Character modes. Module version of the Flanger+ device (see Flanger+).


Phaser, with four different Character modes. Module version of the Phaser+ device (see Phaser+).

Freq Shift+

An analog-style frequency shifter module, with optional delay network and much more.


There is also a device version of this module (see Freq Shifter+).

  • A central Frequency Shift Amount control offers a range of ±100 %, as defined by the current Range and Unit settings found just beneath the knob

    • Various options and potential uses for Unit include:

      • Hz & kHz offer regular frequency units for shifting

      • Note values (like bar, Eighth note, Triplet quarter note, etc.) offer time-synced values for rhythmic effects

      • Hold disables the center Shift controls, giving you direct control over the shifting oscillator via the Phase In port and Phase control (in the Inspector Panel)

      • Keytrack uses incoming note pitches (via pre-cord, for all notes reaching the Grid device) to relatively adjust shifting, and the big Frequency Shift Amount knob becomes the only attenuator for the Rate In port

    • The Rate In signal is scaled by its attenuator (based on the current Unit in use), and then added to the frequency shift amount

      • In the special Keytrack mode, the Rate In signal is attenuated by the normal Frequency Shift Amount knob, and the pre-cord for note pitch is used without attenuation


        Remember that FX Grid has a Note Source option (in the Inspector Panel), for routing note signals in from other tracks and influencing frequency shifting that way.

  • Feedback is applied directly within the frequency shift function

    • In the Inspector Panel are parameters for the Feedback Low-Cut Frequency and Feedback High-Cut Frequency, letting you tame or shape the feedback

    • An additional Feedback Direction control lets you pick whether feedback cascades upward in frequency (positive values) or downward (negative values)

  • Enable Delay toggle wraps the frequency shift in a delay line (whose Delay Time can be set in time, up to 1 second), good for classic analog effects

  • Several Filter Options are in the Inspector Panel:

    • Filter Quality sets the precision being used for the frequency shift, ranging from 6 poles ("Rough") to 24 poles ("Excellent")

    • Anti-Reflection Filter will filter out negative frequencies (which can appear when shifting down)

    • Additional All-pass adds an extra all-pass network to the circuit, for extra phase-y goodness

  • The stereo Phase In signal (as scaled by its Phase Modulation Amount attenuator) allows phase modulation of the oscillator that is doing the frequency shifting. Additionally:

    • The Phase of this oscillator is available via parameter in the Inspector Panel

    • A Phase Offset (R) for the right channel is available in the bottom right corner of the module (and in the Inspector Panel), for instant stereo sound

Pitch Shift

A pitch transposer, with keytracking, grain control, and various modulation options (including phase modulation of any signal).


There is also a device version of this module (see Pitch Shift).

  • A central Pitch Shift control offers a range of ±48 semitones (or ±4 octaves)

  • A Keytrack toggle enables a pre-cord, adding the pitch of any note(s) reaching the Grid device to the module's pitch buss (as a regular Bitwig pitch signal, where C3 is a "zero" signal)


    Remember that FX Grid has a Note Source option (in the Inspector Panel), for routing note signals in from other tracks and controlling pitch shifting that way.

  • The Pitch In signal (as scaled by its Pitch Modulation Amount attenuator) is also added to the pitch buss of the module

  • Grain Rate sets the windowing rate for the transposition function

    • If the Grain Rate In port is connected, the Grain Rate parameter is replaced by this incoming signal (as scaled by its Grain Rate Attenuator setting)

    • In either case, the Adaptive Grain Rate toggle adjusts the grain rate relative to the pitch transposition amount, for an often cleaner sound

    • The Grain Fade parameter (in the Inspector Panel) sets the transition time between successive frames, which keeps the module from producing pitch chirps

  • The Phase / FM In signal allows phase/linear frequency modulation of the oscillator that is doing the pitch shifting

    • Phase modulation will work even when pitch shift is not active (or zero), so this module could be used to phase modulate any signal

    • The Use Linear FM toggle (in the Inspector Panel) switches the Phase / FM In to perform linear FM, which will only work when pitch shifting is occurring

All-pass Delay

All-pass filter configured as a delay


Signal capture device

Mix Category

Signal routing and mixing modules


Crossfades between two incoming signals


Stereo mixer for up to six channels


Panning control

Stereo Width

Signal width control


The general Tool device also has this stereo width function (see Tool).

Toggle In

Switch between two incoming signals, with a button directly on the module

Toggle Out

Switch between two outgoing paths, with a button directly on the module


Signal gate, with an on/off button directly on the module


Two-band Linkwitz–Riley frequency split, for subsequent routing/audio processing of your choice


This module swaps well Filter modules, maintaining the Crossover-2 frequency by using it for the primary frequency control of just about any filter, and vice versa.

And there is also a related device (see Multiband FX-2).


Three-band Linkwitz–Riley frequency split, for subsequent routing/audio processing of your choice


When replacing Crossover-2 with Crossover-3, the Crossover-2 frequency will be used for the Low Crossover Frequency parameter of Crossover-3.

And there is also a related device (see Multiband FX-3).

Select In

Binary selector between two incoming signals

Select Out

Binary selector between two outputs


Router with up to eight in ports, passing one or two adjacent incoming signals out at a time


Router with up to eight out ports, sending the incoming signal to one or two adjacent out ports at a time

LR Gain

Independent gain controls for a signal's left and right channels

Stereo Merge

Constructs a signal from left/right and mid/side components

Stereo Split

Separates a signal into its left/right and mid/side components

Voice Stack Mix

Modulatable processor with standard mix controls (volume, panning, solo, enable) for each voice in the stack, at any point within a patch

Voice Stack Tog

Modulatable processor to toggle the signal for each voice in the stack, at any point within a patch

Level Category

Amplitude-based functions, values, and converters


Constant set in decibels


Constant set as percentage


Signal amplifier set in percentage (up to 800 %)


Signal attenuator


Signal offset

Gain - dB

Decibel gain control

Gain - Vol

Volume gain control

Velo Mult

Velocity-controlled scaler


Signal averager


Lag processor


Imposes a variable curve onto a signal


Signal clipper

Level Scaler

Scales incoming unipolar signal to a defined decibel range


Imposes an S-curve onto an audio signal, with Stereo-ize option

Value Scaler

Scales incoming unipolar signal to a defined value range


Crossfades between dry carrier, classic amplitude modulation, and ring modulation


Level sustainer

Sample / Hold

Level sampler

Shift Register

Serial level sampler, with up to eight out ports


Converts a bipolar signal to unipolar


Converts a unipolar signal to bipolar


Flattens any signal, making it the same for all voices. With five modes:

  • Last - Newest voice's signal

  • Sum - All voices are added together

  • Average - All voices are averaged

  • Min - Lowest signal level is used

  • Max - Highest signal level is used

Pitch Category

Modules that produce pitch values


Constant set as pitch


Octave pitch shifter


Ratio-based pitch shifter


Semitone pitch shifter

Pitch Quantize

Quantizes incoming signal to designated or currently held pitch classes

by Semitone

Quantizes incoming signal to exact semitones

Pitch Buss

Pitch summing buss with attenuators for up to six inputs

  • Attenuators are set in a range of ±36 semitones

  • Inputs two to six also have a Thru (No Attenuation) option (a clickable = icon) that adds that incoming signal without attenuation, good in the case of actual pitch signals, etc.

Pitch Scaler

Scales incoming unipolar signal to a defined pitch range

Zero Crossings

Rough pitch estimator

Freq → Pitch

Hertz (or kilohertz) to pitch converter, with optional stereo detune

Pitch → Freq

Pitch to Hertz (or kilohertz) converter, with optional stereo detune

Math Category

Basic arithmetic operators


Constant for large, precise numbers


Gives a button to reverse polarity (× -1) of the incoming signal, with Stereo-ness option


Gives a button to flip (1/x) the incoming signal, with Stereo-ness option


Add two signals


Divide one signal from another


Multiply two signals


Subtract one signal from another


Separates a signal into its magnitude and sign components


Rounds all decimal values up to the next integer


Rounds all decimal values down to the previous integer


Provides the current higher and lower values of two signals


Uses a set step size for the signal


Rounds all decimal values below '0.5' increments down and those at or above '0.5' up


Multiplies all inputs together


Adds all inputs together


Provides either 2x, ex, or 10x of the incoming signal (x), depending on the Base parameter


Provides a power of the incoming signal, with an integer Exponent parameter between -9 and +9

Lin → dB

Converts linear amplitudes to decibel values


Provides either log2x, logex, or log10x of the incoming signal (x), depending on the Base parameter


Raises one signal to the power of another


Provides a root of the incoming signal, with an integer Degree parameter between 1 and 9

dB → Lin

Converts decibel values to linear amplitudes

Logic Category

Comparators and other modules that output logic signals


Toggle for sending a logic signal


Momentary toggle for sending a logic signal

Clock Divide

Divides a clock signal to trigger every N pulses

Clock Quantize

Holds a trigger signal until the next clock pulse

Gate Length

Produces a logic pulse of set duration on trigger

Gate Repeat

Produces repeated logic pulses of set duration while input is high

Logic Delay

Delays the high- or low-logic states


Allows trigger signals to alternate or set an output state


Allows trigger signals to alternate between multiple output states


Comparator assessing if two signals are roughly equal

Comparator assessing if one signal is either greater than or equal to another


Comparator assessing if one signal is greater than another

Comparator assessing if one signal is either less than or equal to another


Comparator assessing if one signal is less than another

Comparator assessing if two signals are unequal


Logic inverter


Logic gate seeking all inputs to be true


Logic gate seeking any input to be true


Logic gate seeking only one input to be true


Logic gate seeking any inputs to be false


Logic gate seeking all inputs to be false


Logic gate seeking all inputs to be matching

Table Of Contents

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