
Each modulation device is a processor that manipulates incoming audio signals with an LFO, etc., influencing its function.


Chorus, with four different Character modes, each with its own DSP architecture and different X + Y controls:

  • CE - A synth-style friend, with different inspirations in the tone (Tone + Width)

  • DD - Subtle, 80s, and coming from all sides (Time + Balance)

  • 8v - Eight voices swirling thru caverns of feedback (FB + Width)

  • x2 - Classic voice doubling circuit (Time + Width)


    There is also a Grid module version of this device (see Chorus+), offering polyphony and more.


A chorus effect with an adjustable LFO with phase offset for the right channel (R Phase).


Flanger, with four different Character modes, each with its own DSP architecture:

  • DP - That digital, scrapy cousin who chews up sound

  • MX - A firm, pedal-style classic

  • TFX - Smooth and sparkly, with some edge

  • WA - Stronger, but subtly delicate

Also has an Alternate Character toggle to switch to a subtle variation of the selected mode; Stereo-ize option, to invert the right modulation signal; a Manual Override mode, which disables the internal LFOs and presents a Mod parameter that the user can target with their own modulation signals; and an Added Dirt option, to insert a little noise for additional coloring.


There is also a Grid module version of this device (see Flanger+), offering stereo signal-rate control, polyphony, and more.


A flanger effect with an adjustable LFO and feedback parameters for both magnitude (Feedb.) and phase (Neg.). This device can be set to Retrig(ger) on incoming note messages.


Phaser, with four different Character modes, each with its own DSP architecture:

  • GS - Our spikey #1 friend

  • EHx - Classy and smooth, with silky motion

  • MX - A raspy devil, but solid

  • MF - Pleasantly greasy and deep

Various Modulation Curve options are available:

  • Phaser - A more "traditional" modulation curve (the default)

  • Speaking - A shape that can produce "vowel" sounds

  • Barber ↑ - Barber pole-esque effect, spinning upward

  • Barber ↓ - Barber pole-esque effect, spinning downward

Also has an Alternate Character toggle to switch to a subtle variation of the selected mode; Stereo-ize option, to invert the right modulation signal; and a Manual Override mode, which disables the internal LFOs and presents a Mod parameter that the user can target with their own modulation signals.


There is also a Grid module version of this device (see Phaser+), offering stereo signal-rate control, polyphony, and more.


A phaser whose Frequency setting is controlled by an LFO modulator module by default. Separate phase (ø) controls exist for the frequency on the L(eft) and R(ight) channels so that you can keep everything synced but interesting. Also includes a feedback (FB) control and a high-pass filter with adjustable cutoff frequency and slope (from anywhere between 2-Pole and 32-Pole).


A rotary-speaker emulation that modulates the signal's placement in the stereo field.


An amplitude modulator that is controlled by an LFO of various waveshapes. This device can be set to Retrig(ger) on incoming note messages.

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